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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Data collection tools

  • What type of tools will you use?  I feel like I have a lot of data collection tools.  I will have student work samples and writing scores from last year.  I will have CBM(writing on demand) scores from the first two weeks of school. And I could use an engagement survey qestionnaire.
I will determine the impact based on later scores and possibly the engagement survey questionnaire at the end of the action.
I will know the impact based on the quality of students writing from the rubrics the students created and their engagement.
I will triangulate data using multiple writing samples and by having other second grade teachers assess my student's writing.
  • How do they fit with the questions you have?  The question I am still contemplating on is: How will implementing student-created rubrics engage my students in writing and help improve their writing.
I believe these data tools will help me assess what I'm looking for...any helpful comments or suggestions?

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